Sunday, June 14, 2009


the presenters - one in Merdita and the other in Has costumes. They are with one of the coordinators of the festival. He stopped what they were doing for their foto opportunity!!!
Merdita group is amazing and musically so outstanding. ALL THE BELLS AND WHISTLES. This was a classical Russian piece...even I knew it!!!
Dancing is not limited to the performers. There is Dancing in the Streets...

At the end of the evening the star performer who grew up in Fushe-Arrez, the blond directs the singing and dancing. the school librian whose husband is an organizer, the tallest is an English teacher and the other woman was a judge who has written a lot of local music and catelogued the traditional music......GREAT GROUP OF WOMEN!!!!
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1 comment:

plucas said...

I have visited Fushe Arrez, as well as Puke and the surrounding region. There was a small footbridge across a stream to get to the school house in Fushe Arrez. Is it sill there. It is beautiful country.